Don’t forget to sharpen your skills!

Handguns are essential! Don’t forget to sharpen your skills!

Now that I have your attention. It seems as if the world of firearms enthusiasts have gravitated towards rifles and PCC’s. But, it’s important to talk about keeping up your skills with a good old handgun.

It’s been my experience that I shoot better with full sized handguns. Probably because I have huge hands. Regardless, I’m a tried and true 9mm disciple. Some of you all might know that I’m a big fan of Heckler and Koch (yes! Gimme that weird mag release thingamajig!).

Additionally, I’ve begun exploring the world of Sig (who’d have thought?). Regardless, I’ve made it a habit to remember to bring my handguns to the range and practice every time I go.

Related: Survival Box

All of this rambling just to say… you all need to remember to go train with your full-size non-carry handguns too! That’s my challenge to help you stay sharp.



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