Don’t forget to sharpen your skills!
Handguns are essential! Don’t forget to sharpen your skills! Now that I have your attention. It seems as if the world of firearms enthusiasts have gravitated towards rifles and PCC’s. But, it’s important to talk about keeping up your skills with a good old handgun. It’s been my experience that I shoot better with full […]
Choosing The Right PCC!
9mm pistol caliber carbines are all the rage. But, in 2013 there were far fewer options than present-day. Back then I looked at a PCC as more of a luxury than a necessity. Regardless, I knew I wanted one. But, where will you choose to spend your money? Are you going to use it for […]
EDC Gear: Being prepared Every Day!
The term Every Day Carry (EDC) gear may sound strange to you – but it really shouldn’t be! Think of your Smartphone. Do you ever go anywhere without it? Or your wallet or credit cards. In many cases, your Smartphone has replaced most of that gear – but the point is that you still carry […]
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